On Friday, I had 'Sunshine Hours' at work. This is during the summer, we extend our normal daily hours Monday through Thursday so we can take a half day on Friday. It's not every week, we get to do this five weeks out of 10 weeks during the summer.
On a side note, and for reference, my husband went to Johns Hopkins' for their pain management treatment and will be there for the next six weeks. You read that right, SIX weeks. He left this past Thursday and should be back home at the end of September. Anyhow... back to this week's incident...
Since hubby's away, the banking is left up to me. He still gets his worker's comp payment in check format for a myriad of reasons. This necessitates me doing the banking in his absence. Mind you, I hardly ever step foot in a bank as most, if not all of my banking is done electronically.
Once I got home, I saw the check arrived and proceeded to 'do the banking'.
Once done, I decided to take a spin by mom's house since the garage work should have been completed by now. We had a new cement trough and two new garage doors installed to make it presentable. Front was painted, still need to do the side... it looks so much better than it did.
When I turned onto her street, not only was mom's car in the driveway, but my older brother's car was there too. I stopped.
Fast forward to Friday, 4pm and mom ready to leave but wanted to stop for a milkshake... I found that she had not eaten anything so I suggested we head to a local place to get some grub. By the time we were finished and reenergized, it was just after 5pm. There was no way mom would be driving back to my sister's place on a Friday in the summer at rush hour... NO WAY! I had her come to my place until rush hour passed. Called and left message for my sister letting her know my plan.
7pm, it's getting late...Mom's energy diminished and she was relaxing while Jeopardy was on. I nudged her to get ready to head back 'home' to my sisters since it would be dark soon. One thing mom does not do is drive in the dark... headlights bother her eyes. Finally at 7:45pm I got her to rise and head to her car.
She backed out of the driveway but instead of turning towards the main road to head to my sisters, she went in the opposite direction. Even though I was waving my arms like an airline ground crew member directing a plane into a gate, I waved her in the direction of the main road. Mom waved back, goodbye!
By 9:30pm I was tired and headed to bed. At 10:30pm, dear sister called saying where's mom? Is she at your house? Mind you, unlike me a homebody, on Fridays sis and hubby head out to their regular watering hole and unwind from their work week. That's about 6 hours of unwinding... and she is rather bossy to begin with! Her household is louder than mine... they tend to have heated discussions and short tempers. I could hear her hubby saying, "Her bed's cold and never been slept in. The car's not on the street! Where did she go?"
About 20 minutes later, my sister after leaving a voicemail for my brother to see if mom ventured to his house, called me back to say she talked to mom... she was at her house.
Holy Crapola! Our minds began to think of her off the road in a ravine or something. Thank God she's alright.
Needless to say, my sister lit into mom and mom, in her fashion, hung up on her because she didn't need to nor wanted to listed to my sister drop the F'bomb' left and right!
I called mom and told her we were concerned and she needs to let us know if she's going to steer in another direction (pun intended, sorry it's lame) than the planned route. She apologized and didn't even give that a thought.
Not that mom has said anything, but I get the feeling her stay at my sister's is anything but optimal. Heck, as we cleaned out her closets and a couple of drawers with her remaining clothes yesterday mom looked at me when all was empty and said, "I think I may come back here and stay, I kinda like it here!"
OMG! We cracked up laughing!
#elderlycare, #takingcareofmom, #agingparents, #raisingmom