But the exact opposite is in fact the truth.
While I was away in January at my company's Sales Meeting in Dallas, Mom came down with Shingles! It's been just about two weeks now and she's all scabbed over so at least she's not contagious at this point.
My pregnant daughter came by yesterday afternoon for a visit. She's the nurse, who of all people could have helped out with mom BUT the fact that she's pregnant meant that she was the last person we wanted around. Pregnancy and Shingles do not mix well and the baby's health is paramount.
Poor mom. The medicine to help with Shingles has awful side affects and I believe she experienced every bad side affect possible. Nausea, vomiting, pain, burning pain, aches, constipation... you name it. It's been a heck of a time.
Funny story, the other day I felt like a Proctologist... certainly not a career I have ever aspired to... but you gotta do what you gotta do to help I suppose.
Vaseline, gloves and a prayer, there I was trying to help mom poop!
I know, gross, and my third time helping had me telling mom she owed me BIG time!
Oh well, that's it for now!
Have I grossed you out enough?
Getting old ain't easy. Taking care of the elderly ain't for the feint of heart either!
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