God help me!
Help me to get patient.
Patient with mom.
Mom's had a walker for about 5 weeks now, but in actual usage, about 2.5 weeks. That's because she's been in and out of hospitals and nursing homes so much over the last 5 weeks.
I must tell her about 70 times a day, when you are up walking, you need to have your walker in your hands so you do not fall. You fell and fractured your pelvis so now you MUST use a walker EVERY time you walk so you don't fall again and do more damage to yourself.
And everytime she gets up, she walks right past her walker and walks!!! ARGH!!! I am about ready to hand cuff it to her wrist!
I am now at the point where I am not telling her, not saying to her, I am just about YELLING it at her!
And I hate that.
She gets frustrated with me as I get frustrated with her.
Please God, help me. Help me to get patient. Patient with mom.
Anyone out there experience this and can offer a few words of encouragement or suggestions?
#dementiaistakingmomaway #dementia #caringformom #momneedshelp #adultcare #seniorcare #caregiver #helpforcaregivers #ilovemom #momisdisappearing #livingwithmom #livingwithdementia
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