Saturday, May 24, 2014

Our Biggest Challenge...

This post is a wee bit long so I understand if you decide to bypass it altogether but there's some comedy among the tragedy.

As of now, our biggest challenge is mom and her meds.

Before she was admitted into the hospital the last time, I guess no one realized just how far off track mom was.  When blood work was done, it became apparent that she was not taking her meds correctly (as prescribed).  

Don't get me wrong, mom has made strides in the few weeks I have had her here with me, but the meds continue to be our biggest challenge.  Would be great if someone out there in blogland has had the same experience with meds and can offer suggestions... 

So, here's this week's meds challenges, that's right plural, challenges.

Wednesday, May 21, 2014
As noted in my inaugural post, I decided to delegate the 'making sure mom takes her meds'.  I still will do the dispensing into daily pillboxes... you'll see that process a wee bit later.  I know, you're chomping at the bit and can't wait... but you'll have to wait.  I digress...

Back to Wednesday morning.  I left for work before mom was up.  When I arrived home, I asked my son if nana took her meds this morning.  He said, yeah but I found a pill on the floor in the kitchen.  I showed it to nana and wrote you a note so I wouldn't forget to tell you.  Then my hubby came down and I said that sonny told me about finding a pill on the kitchen floor.  Hubby then proceeds to tell me HE found another pill outside on the deck!  These are not the first two incidents... they are the 2nd and 3rd incidents!

OMG, two of her morning pills were found on the floors.  I guess she didn't take two of them today!  When it cam time for her evening meds, I made sure I watched her put each pill into her mouth... felt like Nurse Ratched from One Flew Over The Cuckoos Nest!  Medication Time, Medication Time... take it, swallow it now show me all gone!

Thursday, May 22, 2014
Now my delegates are instructed to watch mom take her meds and to check the floor afterwards to ensure none fell through her hands to the floor.  I get home from work and mom is in the kitchen over near her 'meds station' and says to me, 

You know what I found out today?  
No mom, what did you find out today?  
These pillboxes are labeled with AM and PM!  I didn't know that!
Mom, yes you did.  These pillboxes have always had AM and PM on them, one for your morning meds and the other for your evening meds.
I didn't know that.  Hmmmm....
Mom, are you talking about the pillboxes you have been using for over a month?  Those?
Yes, I never knew they had AM and PM on them.

Later that evening, we are sitting in the living room watching TV and mom tells me,

You know, I bet that's why those two pills were found on the floor... has to be why!
What are you talking about mom? Why were they found on the floor?
It has to have something to do with those AM and PM labels...

Oh boy, somehow mom made a connection between the AM and PM labels on the pillboxes and the two pills found on the floor the previous day... but sorry folks, I could not make the same connection.  I just let it go.

Friday, May 23, 2014
As I leave I tell hubby & mom, make sure you take the pills in the Friday, AM side of the pillbox this morning.  All of them, all at the same time.

Mom shot me one of those mom looks, you know the kind, the kind that says I may be old but I can still put my size 10 up your a$$!  Those eyes that say, why I oughta...

I quickly made my departure before I had 3 size 10 shoes on and in me!

Saturday, May 24, 2014
Oh happy, happy, joy, joy! The first day 'off' for my long holiday weekend where I will celebrate my 35th Anniversary, Memorial Day and my double nickle Birthday!

I am up early and enjoying the peace and quiet. Mom comes downstairs and heads to the kitchen for her coffee and meds.  When she comes back to the living room, she has two things in her hands... her coffee and a bowl with her 'Nature Valley Granola' bars.  I say,

Mom, you can't eat those just yet.
What?  What do you mean?
Mom, we discussed that in the morning, you have to take your meds, you know those that are in the AM side (*nasty look, size 10 coming...).
Yes I know.
Well, you can't eat anything for a half hour because you took your synthroid.
Oh, I know, I just brought this out with me so I can eat when a half hour passes.
Okie dokie mom.  You did take your meds, right?
(*size 10 look again and mimicking me) Yeeesssss, I did.

About 10 minutes passes and I head to the kitchen with my empty coffee cup and I see her pills on the kitchen counter.

Mom!  Thought you said you took your meds.
I did.
They're on the counter.
Oh I took my synthroid.
You're supposed to take all of them at the same time.  This way you can be done with morning meds at one time.

We head over to mom's house because sister has rented a storage space for all the things mom is keeping.  We need to clear the house out of this so we can prep it for putting it on the market.

I, along with mom, arrive earlier than sister and rental van.  Mom and I decide to go upstairs and get summer clothes for my house and go through her jewelery.  Mom goes out of the room and returns a bit later.  Sis and I were talking about the events of the week when mom returns with this Cheshire Cat smile on her face saying in a mischievous voice (while tapping something in her hand),

I did it... I took it all, so there!
What did you do mom?
I took all my meds, see all gone!
Mom, is that from my house?
MOM... you took your PM meds... it's only 11am... OMG!
What? What's wrong?

ARGH!!!!  'nuf said!  Moving on...

After my first go around trying to organize the dispensing of meds, nearly pulling my hair out of my head trying to make heads or tails out of it, I have a pretty good system and it only takes me about 20 minutes to do the whole thing now.

The list my s-i-l sent via email, listed the brand names of the meds.  NOTE: these are written on the lids of all the meds since mom has the generic versions.  I was so frustrated trying to figure out what med was what med the first time... eeee gash!  Why the f**k would someone write brand names down instead of what the fricken' generic name is on the Rx's???? I mean for crying out loud... I was reading the med name on the fricken' bottles.... oh well, I digress, I vent, I let it go, I get back on track...

I created a spreadsheet in Excel that has all the information on mom's meds.  Brand Name, Med Name, Dosage, What it's prescribed for, Who prescribed it, and Description of what the little pills look like.  I then placed these meds under a few subheadings; AM Meds, PM Meds, Weekly Meds and Other.

I can search for any words within the spreadsheet easily and quickly. I love it!

So on Saturdays, I dispense for the week.  Here's a few picks of today's dispensing... unbelieveable the amount of meds... but we had the doctor check all of them for interactions and dosage and he's fine with all of the various meds as prescribed so... 

Here we go...

Line up all the AM meds according to the spreadsheet (Laptop open, spreadsheet up).  Line up all the pillboxes labeled by the day of the week and open both AM and PM compartments

Begin to place pills in correct dosage into the AM compartment of each day's pillbox.

With the AM meds complete, close all the AM compartments and bring the PM meds forward

Dispense dosage of PM meds and close PM compartments

Ahhh... next week is ready and waiting! YAY!

Put the box of meds away, put the pillbox over at the 'meds station' and close the spreadsheet down until next week's dispensing.

I really should have a drink or two to celebrate!

Oh, btw, last Sunday afternoon and Monday evening, my sister, mom and I went looking at alternatives for mom to live in... from independent senior living to assisted living.  What I can tell you is; 
  1. Tres Expensive
  2. Assisted Living is not what mom needs just yet
More on that as we continue to explore her options.

Until my next post... tootles!

#caretaker, #parentalcaretaker, #parentalcare, #dispensingmeds, #whenparentsbecomekids

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Have you had to deal with this type of thing? Care to share?