There's lots of firsts that we are experiencing with Mom's life transition. Some are easily identified and solutions quickly found, others are merely found as we trudge through this process. Afterall, we don't know what we don't know.
Join me on our journey. Where it takes us, who knows? I hope that it either helps someone out there going through the same thing or it helps me as I begin my journey and Mom enters a new phase in her life's journey.
First day that Mom came to stay with me.
Sunday, May 4, 2014.
She'd stayed with me off and on before, like when we had those terrible snow storms and we didn't want her alone in her place being locked up inside by herself.
But this stay will be different. This stay is the start of her leaving her 'home' and making new homes within her children's homes.
Monday, May 5, 2014
First morning meds with Mom.
Suffice it to say, she's on all kinds of meds. We already took the case full over to the primary doctor and did a comprehensive review of what she should be taking and to be sure none of them interact badly with each other.
When I take my pharma cocktail in the morning, I pile all the little helpers in my palm, place them in my mouth and take a big gulp of java or water to down them.
Not Mom.
No, Mom takes one little pill at a time, places it in her mouth, takes a sip of liquid du jour and swallows the wee little pill. Then she picks up the next one, places it into her palm, picks it up with her forefinger and thumb, opens her mouth ever so slightly and places the pill on her tongue. Takes a sip of liquid du jour and swallows... then she proceeds to repeat these steps over a dozen times!!!!!
Can you say, 'Come on, hurry up!"?
Well I thought that but didn't say it out loud. What I did say was, 'Mom, could you take these pills a bit faster? I have a 9 o'clock I need to make."
Mom, mocking me, "Ooohhhhh I have a 9 o'clock wee wee wee..."
About ready to slap her upside her head just about now... but I didn't. I simply responded, "Mom, I am the only one with an income in this house, how would it be if I were to lose my job because I have to play with you every morning to make sure you take your meds and you drag it out for sooooo llllooooooonnnngggg?"
Oops! First day and I am crabby already. And I pride myself on how patient I am.
Good news is that it has gotten better. I've delegated taking of morning meds with Mom to hubby & son!
Stayed tuned.
#caretaker, #parentalcaretaker, #whenparentsturnintokids, #whoswatchingmom, #momsmeds, #helpwithseniorcare
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