Saturday, June 21, 2014

The Summer Solstice

What a beautiful day in my neck of the woods!

Longest daylight shortest night of the year, 
the summer solstice.

It's said that one should celebrate this day.
Did you?

Mom and I went out shopping.  It was a great day.  Mom made lots of purchases from the different stores we went to.  I, on the other hand, didn't make a single purchase!  Nothing jumped out at me and said, "Buy me!"  I have days like that, and that's okay... my hubby is usually pretty happy when this happens!  wink wink

Any way, I find I am having to repeat a LOT to mom.  And when it's repeated, it's said in a louder tone than when first said.

I've suggested she get her hearing checked... I think she needs hearing aids.  When I first mentioned this, she wasn't up to that discussion and made a few comments about how many doctors she already sees, etc... This time though, she didn't give me grief but didn't agree either, she merely said, "Perhaps."

So, how did you spend your summer solstice 2014?  

And if you have an elderly parent and had to care as they progressed in age, how did you handle the hearing aid discussion?

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