Tuesday, June 17, 2014

Free Bird


You'd think we had her jailed up.  Mom's been out just about every day since getting her keys... except for the day that the steering belt went. She was stranded.

Well still within a mile or so of my house and my brother's house but she couldn't drive the car.  She made a call to my brother who tried to drive it but he, too, failed.  

They called the mechanic and dropped off the keys so they could bring it to the shop.

Cost just about $250 with parts, labor and towing!  Yikers.

Now that she has her T-bird back, she's a free bird and fancifully flying about doing this and that.  That's right, the this and that that was so important to her for her independence.

Mom's happy.

As the saying goes, if Mom's happy...EVERYONE's happy!  
(Including ME!)

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